Instructor: Ginny Wiser, Cidesco Diplomat
Class Dates: Sunday, April 6, 2024
Class Times: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Cass Fee: $95 Inc. Set of Face & Body Cups
Chinese Cupping is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which suction is created on the skin with the cup in order to:
increase blood flow to the skin
help drain affected lymph nodes
help tone and firm the skin and muscles
help relieve headaches and sinus issues
Originating in Asia, the cupping method has become increasingly popular in salons and spas in the West. Be sure to add this easy to perform, natural skincare method to your repertoire today, further increasing the assortment of treatments you can offer your clients!
You will learn the following in this course:
Make and apply a special face oil blend to use with the cupping
Various cupping techniques for the face and neck, including lymph drainage, sinus relief, toning the skin, and stimulating collagen production
Application of an enzyme peel
Prepare a special facial mask to complement and deepen the effects of the cupping
Class Addons:
NOTE; This class is combined with the Body Cupping for the one fee of $150.00
* Set of Facial Cups (FREE!)